Last weekend of November 2021
Only 2 more days left in November and then it is the last month of the year!
This weekend I actually managed to pull out some paints and coloring pencils and the result you can see here.
Nothing too complicated: I used an HB graphite pencil, my Arteza Gouache and my Arteza Colored pencils.
I followed someone else’s prompts and colours but did it in such a way, that it was doable for me concerning time and clean up.
It gave me a little boost inside, to know that my creativity is still in me… even if it is just a small whisper.
On Sunday I mostly rested because on Saturday evening I got sucked into the world of ‘Beautiful Beasts Academy’-series by Mila Young and Kim Faulks. It is a Young Adult Paranormal series, which at some point turns into more of a New Adult Paranormal. (Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Reverse Harem, Dark Taboo, etc, are my favourite books to read… don’t tell anyone!)
My problem is: I can’t just stop in the middle of a book… or even in the middle of a series if it concerns the same main characters… It isĀ impossible! I Need To Know What Happens Next! It feels like my own life depends on it. (Eventhough it really doesn’t.)
Overall I gave the series 4 stars out of 5.
Today I’m still processing.
I did find my Word for 2022, which will be revealed… at a later date.
And some energy was found, to clean up some things in my “safe nest”. (Which is basically just my apartment.)
I hope you had a lovely weekend. Maybe with some action, some relaxation and some inspiration?
All my best,
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